Chemical Peels vs. Microdermabrasion

Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Maybe you were careless with the application of sunscreen in your early years and you just do not like what that has done to your face. If you’re looking to resurface your skin to reduce or eliminate age spots or other facial marks, you may be considering a chemical peel or microdermabrasion. Pope Plastic Surgery can help you understand the differences between each Orlando facial treatment and decide which would work best for you.

The underlying cause for skin damage is basically the same: over the years, your skin produces less oil, leading to dryness, slower cell turnover, and eventually a dulled overall appearance. This is one of the telltale signs of aging, particularly in the face, which is why many people are interested in regaining a smoother, more youthful countenance.

Microdermabrasion uses mechanical exfoliation via exfoliating crystals to gently and safely remove the outermost layers of dead skin cells from the epidermis. It’s a non-invasive procedure with no downtime and unlike dermabrasion, it can be used on most skin colors and types.

Chemical peels come in various strengths which allow the chemical to penetrate to different depths, depending on the desired results. Oftentimes, the best results are achieved after several peels.  In many cases, a medical aesthetician will develop a customized program utilizing both chemical peels and microdermabrasion.

With both microdermabrasion and chemical peels, the affected area will likely feel tight for the first few days, as the new layer of skin adjusts. You’ll also be more sensitive to sunlight, so it’s imperative to wear sunscreen. Your care provider may have additional tips, so be sure to follow their post-treatment instructions carefully.

If you’re interested in these or other Orlando facial treatments, our medical aesthetician is available to answer any questions you may have. Contact Pope Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation.

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