Monthly Archives: January 2016



Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

How long does it take to recover from plastic surgery?

Recovery time from a plastic surgery procedure will vary with both the individual patient and the procedure performed.But I can speak in generalities here.With most cosmetic surgery procedures, time off work can usually be limited to one week.Bigger procedures such as a tummy tuck could require an extra week at home. And of course, the …

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Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

General anesthesia in cosmetic surgery—is it safe?

Over the past year or so, I’ve had more and more patients ask me if I’m willing to perform cosmetic surgery using local anesthesia.Somehow, the perception that general anesthesia is dangerous is growing, even though it’s not true.I typically prefer general anesthesia for my patients, but I welcome the opportunity to discuss it and put …

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Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Neck Contouring – Kybella Treatment Orlando

Do you have a double chin even though you are in relatively good shape? Often, fatty deposits and sagging under the chin can create the appearance of a double chin. With neck contouring treatments like Kybella, that double chin can be a thing of the past. The double chin is a result of fatty deposits, …

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