Category Archives: Body Lift



Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Post-Op Care Following Your Body Lift

Following the experience of significant weight loss, Orlando body lifts and contouring procedures help reduce the amount of excess skin and fat left behind. With a surgery of this magnitude, it’s important to keep a few things in mind for your post-op experience. Swelling and bruising is normal. They should dissipate with time. If you …

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Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Featured Surgery – Body Lift, Body Contouring

Have you recently lost a significant amount of weight? Whether it came from gastric bypass surgery, smaller food portions and increased exercise or through some other means, congratulations are in order! Advantages of losing those unwanted pounds likely include better health, improved energy levels and a bump to your overall self-esteem. Great job!One downside, perhaps …

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