Monthly Archives: December 2016



Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Loose Skin? A Coronal Brow Lift Might be Right for You

The brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a commonly performed facial rejuvenation surgery that can be conducted as an independent technique or performed in conjunction with other facial rejuvenation treatments, including a blepharoplasty and a facelift.With a coronary brow lift, you can reverse the signs of aging and tighten the soft forehead …

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Pope Plastic Surgery Center - ASPS Member Surgeon

Traditional Facelifts

Given a number of both external and internal factors such as age, genetics, excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking, sun damage, pollution, stress, and nutritional deficiencies, our facial skin begins to show visible signs of damage in the form of wrinkles and fine lines.Although, there are a plethora of expensive cosmetic and beauty products available in …

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